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General Counsel Vision


The Legal Services Department shall contribute towards the creation of opportunities for students and the elimination of barriers to student achievement by:

  • developing comprehensive legal strategies to achieve Board and Superintendent policies and priorites
  • protecting the interests of the District and its students in external and internal legal matters;
  • handling the legal business of the District in a manner which supports the Superintendent and senior staff and permits their focus to remain on student achievement


  • As service providers, we are dedicated to delivering exceptionally high quality, timely and responsive solutions to our clients.
  • As team members, we are collaborative, supportive, respectful of differences, and committed to fairness and diversity in all our interactions, both within and outside the team.
  • As individuals, we are engaged in our mission, accountable for results, and subscribe to the highest standards of integrity and ethics in everything we do.

Our goal is to be valued and trusted partners, recognized for our creativity, expertise, and commitment to District objectives. We believe the Legal Services Department is integral to the District's strategic operations and must be fully equipped to provide high quality legal advice and representation on all major matters, with increasingly less need for outside counsel.