Control of Communicable Diseases
The district is required to cooperate with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency to prevent and control communicable diseases in school-age children. When there is good reason to believe a student has a contagious or infectious disease, the parent or guardian will be contacted and the student sent home. The student may return to school when well and/or released by a physician. If there is reason to believe a student is suffering from a recognized contagious or infectious disease, the student will be excluded from school until school officials are satisfied that the student no longer has the contagious or infectious disease.
Pediculosis Policy (Head Lice)
The problem of head lice (pediculosis) is ongoing and can be difficult to control at home and at school. Even though head lice and nits (eggs) are not a threat to health, they are a frustrating nuisance. Prompt treatment of students with a positive diagnosis of head lice ensures minimal disruption of their education. When a student is identified as having head lice, the student will be sent home at the end of the school day for treatment. It is the responsibility of the parent to treat and control head lice infestation. Key to success in controlling head lice, with small chance of recurrence, is in the removal of all nits after the use of the pediculicide. After treatment at home, it is mandatory for the student to return to school the next day, via the health office, for inspection. The student may return to class provided the head lice have been treated and there are no live lice in the hair, even if nits (eggs) are still present. Parents are encouraged to continue removing nits until the problem is resolved.
There is no evidence that mass screening (school-wide or whole classrooms) helps to control head lice infestation or reinfestation. Parents/guardians are encouraged to inspect their child’s hair as part of their regular hygiene routine. The School Attendance Review Board (SARB) may intervene in case of noncompliance or chronic infestations requiring repeated exclusions from school.
Fact Sheets