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Elementary Attendance Area Rebalancing (San Diego)

Birney, Garfield, and Jefferson Elementary Schools in the 2023-24 school year

APPROVED BY BOARD OF EDUCATION ON JANUARY 24, 2023 (Link to Board Documents).


What is being proposed?

Attendance boundary revisions are proposed for Birney, Garfield, and Jefferson Elementary schools in the 2023-24 school year.  Some of Birney’s attendance area near its edges will be reassigned to Garfield or Jefferson. The middle or high school assignment will not change. Students remain in Roosevelt Middle and San Diego High.

You may participate in this process by responding to the Survey linked at the bottom of this page. You may also view a one-page informational flier in English and Spanish.


Who is affected?

New students beginning in Fall 2023 will be subject to the revised attendance areas.

Current students at either school are not required to change schools.

Future students/siblings of current Birney students who live in the area of change may attend Birney under the “legacy” policy, as long as the older sibling is still at Birney at the same time.


Why are these revisions being proposed?

These changes are necessary to rebalance the number of elementary age students living in each school’s area. Birney has more students living in its attendance area as live in surrounding schools.  The proposed changes will result in more balanced student populations between school campuses.


Where are the areas of proposed change?

These addresses will become part of Garfield's attendance area, shown as Area 1 on the below maps:

4000-4598; 4301-4599 Arizona St        2320-2598; 2321-2499 El Cajon Blvd
4300-4598 Hamilton St                       2400-2498; 2323-2499 Howard Ave
2320-2498 Lincoln Ave                       2401-2599 Madison Ave
2400-2598; 2321-2599 Meade Ave      2400-2598; 2321-2599 Monroe Ave
2400-2498; 2401-2499 Polk Ave          4000-4598; 4001-4599 Texas St

These addresses will become part of Jefferson's attendance area, shown as Areas 2 and 3 on the below maps:

3900-3998; 3901-3999 Alabama St             3400-3648; 3401-3649 Albert St
1400-1598; 1401-1599 Brookes Ave              1200-1298; 1201-1299 Brookes Ter
1500-1698; 1501-1699 Cypress Ave              3900-3998; 3901-3999 Florida St
3900-3998; 3901-3999 Georgia St               1600-1698; 1601-1699 Herbert Pl
3400-3698; 3401-3699 Herbert St               1801-2199 Lincoln Ave
3900-3998 Mississippi St                            1200-1698; 1201-1699 Myrtle Ave
1000-1098; 1001-1099 Myrtle Way               3901-3999; 3400-3748 Park Blvd
1600-1698; 1601-1699 Pennsylvania Ave      3400-3648; 3401-3649 Richmond St
1800-2198 University Ave                           1200-1698 Upas St        
3400-3498; 3401-3499 Vermont St

Below are maps of the proposed revisions. The dotted red lines indicate areas to become part of Garfield and Jefferson's attendance areas. The solid red lines are existing attendance area. You may view PDFs of the maps as well: Birney, Garfield, Jefferson.

Birney Map

 Garfield Map

Jefferson map 



How can I participate?

Please respond to this Survey to share your thoughts about the proposed revisions.

You may also email [email protected].