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Medical/Dental/Vision/VEBA Benefits

Medical coverage is one of the most important benefits that the District offers. The District pays the full monthly premium cost for eligible employees in paid status in monthly salaried positions who work half-time or more plus the premium cost for all of their eligible dependents. Employees in a certificated job share assignment pay a pro-rata share dependent upon hours worked. San Diego Unified is a member school district of the California Schools Voluntary Employee Benefits Association (CA Schools VEBA) which offers additional resources and member benefits to employees and their dependents who are enrolled in a District health plan. 

Our comprehensive 2024 Employee Benefits Information Guide linked below includes information on eligibility and enrollment and plans offered:

2024 Employee Benefits Information Guide

Detailed plan information and member benefits with CA Schools VEBA are linked below by plan type and plan name.


The District offers three choices of dental plans to eligible employees.  


You are automatically enrolled for vision coverage through VSP Vision Care when you enroll in a dental plan.