Early Learning classrooms provide age and developmentally appropriate conditions for our youngest learners. Students progress through a developmental continuum building academic skills and social-emotional competencies for lifelong learning. Areas include: language and literacy, English language development, writing, mathematics, social-emotional and physical development/health, science, history-social science, and visual and performing arts.
Our guiding vision is an early learning system that meets the needs of all children and is one dedicated to developing solutions to improve positive student outcomes for young learners in our community.
Contact us
[email protected]
Director, Early Learning Programs
[email protected]
Program Manager
[email protected]
Resource Teacher
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Program Descriptions
Universal Transitional Kindergarten
Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) is an optional grade level preceding Kindergarten and it is open to children turning 4 by September 1. The full-day session aligns with the elementary school bell schedule and calendar. This program provides a developmental trajectory to attain and demonstrate on a regular basis the knowledge and skills needed for kindergarten success.
In UTK, each child has the opportunity and support from two (2) teachers to achieve academic goals and standards. Educators blend their knowledge and experience to provide developmentally appropriate teaching practices to help students transition to a standardized kindergarten learning context.
The curriculum is aligned as an intentional integration of activities, such as singing, movement, play, and use of visual, auditory, and various learning styles, within the CA Preschool Learning Foundation and the Common Core State Standards.
ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education)
Separate Setting Program
The students in these classrooms have IEPs that specifically note separate setting and services. Placement is determined by the IEP team and student need.
The San Diego Unified School district provides special education services to students of preschool age through the Early Childhood Special Education Department (ECSE). ECSE is a state and federally mandated program for preschool children who meet the eligibility criteria with a federal handicapping condition. Eligibility for children is determined through an assessment process guided by established federal and state rules and regulations, based on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Part-Day Blended Preschool Program
The Part-Day Blended Preschool Classroom consists of 3 year-old age-eligible students. Each session is 3 hours and enrolls 24 students per session. This is where the partnership between the home and school begins as teachers and families collaborate to provide a solid foundation for each child’s growth and development.
Curriculum in this program provides opportunities for 3 and 4 year olds to develop the various academic and social skills needed to enter Kindergarten using the California Preschool Foundations and Framework.
Interaction and engagement are core elements integrated within all lessons to ensure a welcoming environment for all children, where their growth and development are supported and nurtured.