Contractor Prequalification: San Diego Unified requires general contractors and electrical, mechanical and plumbing (MEP) subcontractors to submit a pre-qualification package to bid on projects over $1 million (regardless of the value of the prime and/or subcontractor’s work on the project). For more information and a list of prequalified contractors, click here.
Contractor Registration Law: San Diego Unified may use only Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) registered contractors and subcontractors on public works, new construction, and maintenance projects. This means the law applies to all contractors and subcontractors who intend to bid or perform work on San Diego Unified projects and that the District may not accept a bid or enter into a contract for a public works project with an unregistered contractor or accept bids that include unregistered subcontractors.
1. More information: SB 854 Fact Sheet
2. Link to Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) website
3. Link to DIR Contractor Application
Disabled Veteran Business (DVB) Requirement: SDUSD requires a mandatory 3% DVB participation on all publicly bid construction contracts. Click the link to view and print our Disabled Veteran Business Participation Tip Sheet.
Pre-Award Contracts Management & Processes
Construction Contracts
Advertising – All construction projects are advertised in the Daily Transcript on two consecutive Tuesdays. General contractors are notified of the project via email from our new SDUSD Planroom the same day it is first advertised. Construction bid advertisements are also broadcast via PlanetBids. If there are any technical issues, please contact PlanetBids at 818-992-1771.
Notices of new projects are also sent out by our outreach team to small business contractors and are also announced on Karen Linehan's LinkedIn page and Alma Banuelos' Twitter page. Check-in regularly: and @sdusd_bizoutrch.
Site Walks – SDUSD typically holds site walks on Thursdays and Fridays. Site walk attendee lists are emailed to all attendees, planholders, and planrooms and are posted under the project listed at SDUSD's Planroom. Site walks are mandatory for general/prime contractors, but subcontractors are highly encouraged to attend for networking purposes.
Planholders – Planholder lists can be easily found listed under the project at:
Get Plans/Specifications – Any contractor can obtain hard copy plans/specs from Crisp Imaging at 8375 Camino Santa Fe, San Diego, CA 92121. There is a refundable deposit of $200-$700 per bid set depending on the size of the project. Return bid packages to Crisp Imaging within 10 days of Final Bid Tabulation to have deposit refunded. USB drives are also available for a non-refundable payment of $10.00.
Plans/specs are also posted on SDUSD's Planroom approximately two weeks prior to bid due dates. Once on the Planroom site, click on Public Jobs and search by contract number, title, or school site. A copy of the entire digital project (complete plans and specs) can be downloaded for free. (You will need to register for an account to be able to download documents.)
Submit Bids –All bids must be submitted electronically via PlanetBids and are typically due at 1:00 pm.
Bid Openings – Bids are opened two to three weeks after the site walk and the Bid Opening date is noted in the Advertisement for Bids.
Results – Bid results are posted under the project listing in SDUSD's Planroom.
Contract Award – Board approval/contract award is typically 3-4 weeks from bid opening.
Sharon Cheng, Contracts Administration Supervisor
Tel: 858-522-5854
Ashley Mains, Contracts Administration Supervisor
Tel: 858-522-5830
[email protected]
Professional Services
Click here to read about our professional services contract goals and processes.
Najwa Farace, Contracts Administration Supervisor
Post Award Contracts Management
Facilities Planning & Construction’s Contracts Management department is responsible for post-award contract requirements which include construction changes orders, task orders/notices to proceed/work authorizations for professional services, Division of State Architect documentation, insurance certificates, withholds and claims, payment processing, Notices of Completion, and administration of Architect Errors and Omissions. Post-Award Contract Management provides:
- Management of Post-Award Professional Services and Construction Contracts requirements
- Pay applications and invoice processing
- Change order documentation, tracking, and reporting
- DSA compliance and documentation
- Insurance document oversight
- Administration of material testing and inspection contracts
- Monetary withholds due to labor compliance, stop notices, claims, etc.
- Notices of completion
- Contract closeout
Graham Champion, Labor Compliance & Construction Contract Supervisor
Te: 619-306-0792