In October of 1991, San Diego Unified School board passed policy G-3200 to incorporate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) procedures for the control of structural and landscape pests. Integrated Pest Management means that pest problems will be alleviated with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment by using methods that are safe, effective, and economically feasible. Pesticides will be carefully evaluated before use and will only be used after nontoxic and other safer methods have been considered.
The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 also requires that the district use pest control methods at school sites that are least toxic. Annual written notification is provided to all staff and parents/guardians of pupils which includes a listing of all pesticides that may be applied at their site. The District's pest control staff will do everything possible to identify and resolve the root cause of pest problems before it becomes a nuisance.
The Integrated Pest Management Program is part of Physical Plant Operations, under the SDUSD Operations Division.