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Contact Us

Counseling and Guidance Department    

General Inquiries

SDUSD Counseling and Guidance

[email protected]


Director of Counseling 

Mariana Gomez

[email protected] 

Administrative Asst.

Elizabeth Esparza

[email protected]

619-344-6420 x 3103


School Counselor Support

Amanda Urena - Head Counselor II

[email protected]

Office: 619-344-6420 x 3112


Erika Wright - Head Counselor II

[email protected]

619-344-6420 x 3111


Sara Steadry - Head Counselor II

[email protected]

619-344-6420 x 3109


Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)

Patrick Chen - Head Counselor II

[email protected]

619-344-6420 x 3107


504/ADA Support

Eri Nall - Head Counselor II

[email protected]

619-344-6420 x 3104  


Operational Specialist

Veronica Ortega

[email protected]

619-344-6420 x 3102


Jackson Annex B1 and B2

5465 El Cajon Blvd. 

San Diego, CA 92115
