Staff Wellness
In San Diego Unified, our Health and Wellness Program not only promotes optimum physical and mental health for all students but also for all of our employees. Through assessment, evaluation, maintenance, and improvement of the health of pupils and school personnel, our program promotes the physical, mental, and social emotional well being of our staff and students. Good health, facilitated by both knowledge and practice of healthy eating and exercise behaviors and habits, is a major factor in helping students and staff function at optimal levels. San Diego Unified Board of Education recognizes the importance of our student and staff health as defined in our District Wellness Policy. Wellness Program Supervisor, Kate McDevitt, [email protected], (619) 725-5513, leads the District's monthly Wellness Council meetings, supports school site wellness committees, and manages district wellness centers.
Employee Wellness Page
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Wellness Resources
VEBA Resource Center FAQs
LiveWell San Diego
Live Well Everyday : 101 Ways to LiveWell : 7 min Workout :
31 day Challenge
Mental Health First Aid at Work
Mental Health First Aid at Work is a workplace mental health training program that teaches participants how to notice and support an individual who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use concern or crisis and connect them with the appropriate employee resources. Mental Health First Aid at Work is a skills-based, experiential and evidence-based practice. To learn more, click here.
Supporting Student Wellness
The best way to support student mental health and wellness is to promote positive school culture and climate by creating safe and collaborative school and classroom environments. Social Emotional Learning curriculum integrated throughout the academic day supports the social and emotional well being of our students. CASEL defines social emotional learning (SEL) as "the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to understand and manage emotions, set and accomplish positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions. There are 5 core competencies of SEL, as defined by CASEL: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social-Awareness, Relationship Skills & Responsible Decision Making. Educators can utilize the curriculum and lesson plans listed below to begin incorporating SEL into classrooms, schools, and homes & communities.
Mental Health in the Classroom
Second Step
Second Step is a program rooted in social-emotional learning (SEL) that helps transform schools into supportive, successful learning environments uniquely equipped to encourage children to thrive. More than just a classroom curriculum, Second Step's holistic approach helps create a more empathetic society by providing education professionals, families, and the larger community with tools to enable them to take an active role in the social-emotional growth and safety of today's children. Contact your school counselor to access your school's second step curriculum, available for Preschool to 8th grades. Second step kits are also available through the Counseling & Guidance Department lending library.
KidsHealth in the Classroom offers educators free health-related lesson plans for PreK through 12th grade. Each Teacher's Guide includes discussion questions, classroom activities and extensions, printable handouts, and quizzes and answer keys all aligned to National Health Education Standards. imHealthy with Michael Phelps are lesson plans on emotional health created with the Michael Phelps Foundation. Click below to access lessons by grade spans:
For Educators - Educators are often the first to notice mental health problems. lists some ways you can help students and their families.
Response to a Crisis
When a student is experiencing a crisis, you may need to contact school police to respond. This checklist developed by SDUSD School Police Department may assist school staff in knowing what information needs to be provided when calling. It will also help to know what to expect and who will respond with the school police response. These checklist response bookmarks can be printed and distributed to all staff members to educate, inform, and assist during a crisis.
San Diego Unified has a Crisis Response team that is available to assist before, during, and after a crisis. Please contact Dr. Noemi Villegas (619) 725-7315 to request support for your classroom, school, or community.