In case of life threatening emergency call 911
San Diego County Crisis and Access Line 888-724-7240
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK(8255)
San Diego Unified School Police Department (619) 291-7678
County of San Diego Network of Care
Search the Network of Care comprehensive database to find services in your community. Resources for the service directory are maintained an provided by 211 San Diego. 211 San Diego helps people by connecting them efficiently to the service delivery system and providing vital trend information for community planning.
The It's Up 2 Us campaign is designed to empower San Diegans to talk openly about mental health challenges, recognize symptoms, utilize local resources and seek help. By raising awareness and providing access to local resources, we aim to inspire wellness, reduce stigma and prevent suicide. Recovery is possible and help is available. It's Up2SD to make a difference in the lives of San Diegans experiencing mental health challenges by offering support and providing opportunities. Find easy access to mental health and suicide prevention resources by visiting the Up2SD resource guide.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
The National Alliance on Mental Illness in San Diego (NAMI San Diego) is the community's voice on mental illness. We are a part of grass-roots, nonprofit, national NAMI organization and also an affiliate of NAMI California. NAMI San Diego was founded in 1978 by family members of people with mental illness. Access resources and information via their helpline.
Guide to Accessing Mental Health Resources
The SchoolLink flow chart outlines the Behavioral Health Services for Youth in San Diego County.
Mental Health First Aid
Lets make mental health first aid as common as CPR! Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training helps you identify, understand, and respond to signs of addictions and mental illnesses. Take a course near you or become an instructor. Instructors are the key to spreading Mental Health First Aid across the country. Instructors are individuals certified to teach the 8-hour course in their communities and beyond. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health or substance use problem, there are several resources available to find out more information or get connected with help. Check out these mental health resources! Youth Mental Health First Aid infographic